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2.2 Objectives of the Test Plan

Section 2 of the sixteen parts of a test plan is the Introduction which is part of the Quality of testing. It contains four subsections: 2.1 Background, 2.2 Objectives of the Test Plan, 2.3 Objectives of UAT, and 2.4 References.

The 2.2 Objectives of the Test Plan section deals with the purpose of the test plan. The first part of the text could be:

The objectives of this UAT plan are to:

A key objective is to describe what the test plan is about. Good practise would be to produce a detailed plan for creating the UAT tests, including an outline plan for running them, early in the project. The second plan, covering the running of the tests, can be developed later in the project when delivery dates from the Development Team are known.

Sample Text for 2.2 Objectives of the Test Plan


The rest of the objectives can be modified or deleted as required:

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