2.1 Background
Section 2 of the sixteen parts of a test plan is the Introduction which is part of the Quality of testing. It contains four subsections: 2.1 Background, 2.2 Objectives of the Test Plan, 2.3 Objectives of UAT, and 2.4 References.
In 2.1 Background you describe what the project or release is that is being tested. The issues to describe here are:
How does this plan fit in with other test plans in the project:
- is it the master,
- a detail plan, or
- a test cycle plan?
Which test plans precede and follow it.
The article on the types of testing may help in writing this section.
Sample Text for 2.1 Background
This project is [Enter Details here].
and use either:
This UAT plan is for developing the UAT tests for the system.
The preceding test plan is for System Testing which has been prepared by the Development Team.
The following test plan is the UAT plan for running the tests which will be developed later in the project.
This UAT plan is for running the UAT tests for the system.
The preceding test plan is the UAT Test Development Plan.
The following test plan is the Release Test plan prepared by the Operations Team.
Other Articles on QUALITY Sections
- 2. Introduction gives an overview of the QUALITY process.
- 7. Item Pass/Fail Criteria gives an overview of how to evaluate the testing data to make a pass/fail decision.
- 9. Test Deliverables describes what is produced by the testing process.
- Basics of Project Plans gives further information on item 2:"Long or Unrealistic Timescales" and item 4:"Scope Creep" as two of the five key characteristics of a project plan and the importance of balancing them.
- Verification and Validation has further information on item 6:"Poor Testing" by explaining what the terms Verification and Validation mean.