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4. Features To Be Tested

There are three key sections for defining the SCOPE of a Test Plan: 3. Test Items, 4. Features to be Tested, and 5. Features not to be Tested.

Within "4. Features To Be Tested" you define which of the features of the system or sub-system will be tested. In UAT the principle focus is on what the system can do for the organisation rather than if it works. This is a key principle as whether it works should have been done in System testing. Therefore you need to identify the business operations, scenarios, and functionality that are to be tested in each system and sub-system as these are what delivers value to the organisation.

Sample Text for 4. Features To Be Tested

Item Being Tested Business Scenarios Being Tested
Borrowers sub-system Creating a new library user
The circulation sub-system Issuing an item
The circulation sub-system Renewing an item
The circulation sub-system Returning an item including overdue fine calculations
The catalogue sub-system Cataloguing a book
The catalogue sub-system Removing a book from stock

Other Articles on SCOPE

SCOPE is one of the five aspects of a test plan. Other articles on it are: