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User Acceptance Testing

This site offers information and advice on testing including User Acceptance Testing (UAT). It covers not just testing but the related areas such as requirements and project management which are necessary for successful testing and projects. There are six themes within the site.

User Acceptance Testing

This section covers the reasons for doing User Acceptance Testing (UAT). It has articles on the definition of testing including UAT as well as the reasons for doing UAT. It can be found at the UAT tab.

Project Management

Project management theme deals with the some key issues to do with ensuring a project, or part of a project, are managed well. The subjects include what makes a project a failure or a success, as well as articles on planning a project. The articles are under the Project Mgt tab.

V-Model Development

V-Model development covers what the V-Model is and includes articles on the Software Development Life Cycle, the waterfall and "V" Models. The articles are under the V-Model Dev tab.


To be able to effectively test requires a good set of prioritised requirements. The subjects covered include how to structure and prioritise requirements as well as their essential characteristics. The articles are under the Requirements tab.

Testing Documentation

Testing documentation is the section which covers what is required in the way of documentation, including test plans, in order to record the testing process. The articles are under the Test Plans tab.

System Issues

System issues deals with a variety of testing related issues. The articles are under the Systems tab.

Use of Material

All these articles are free for you to study and use or adapt the ideas for your projects.